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Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire"

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Message  bensoltane Lun 8 Aoû 2011 - 19:03

For Sale: 1963 Jeep CJ-5

The versatility, ruggedness, dependability and utility of the Jeep endeared itself not only to a generation of GIs during World War II, but after that to Korea. Its common sense design, simplicity and wide availability of parts, as well as its adaptability to a variety of roles also brought continuing contracts well into the Vietnam era, not only for variants like the Mighty Mite and M170 but also for derivatives built on the standard CJ platform. With expertise stretching back nearly a quarter century, Kaiser-Jeep could built a CJ variant for almost any purpose. Proven in combat everywhere from the steppes of Russia through the quagmires of spring in France to the arid deserts of North Africa, Jeeps were the prime mover of every military in the world. In 1965 Israel was faced with a growing threat and ordered a series of specially-equipped CJ-5 Jeeps from Kaiser-Jeep. Powered by Jeep's legendary "Go-Devil" four, some were equipped as radio communications vehicles to coordinate the Israelis fast-moving tactics. Others were more offensive, like this tank-killing CJ-5 equipped with an M70 106mm recoilless rifle. Restored to the desert combat dull dun color employed in the Middle East to mask its presence, it is presented as it might have been employed in the Six Days War in 1967 with Israeli Army type identification, it has a deactivated M70 106mm recoilless rifle with deactivated fixed 50mm targeting gun mounted above it. The windshield is split in the middle to support the rifle's long barrel during transport. The windshields fold down during weapon deployment to give it a full range in traverse and elevation. The restoration has been done to high standards and the Jeep is fully equipped with jerry can, shovel, new tires and lateral rear seats for the gun crew. Blackout lights on the fenders supplement the regular headlights. Among military vehicles this is a very unusual example of a specific, limited production variant restored to high standards of accuracy, appearance and functionality and a rare export example of the Jeep's continuing versatility and adaptability to the demands of modern, high mobility warfare. It is unusually deadly and menacing.

Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" 3483307_large2

Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" 3483308_large2

Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" 3483309_large2

Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" 3483310_large2

Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" 3483311_large2

Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" 3483312_large2

Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" 3483313_large2

Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" 3483314_large2

Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" 3483315_large2

Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" 3483316_large2

Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" 3483317_large2

Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" 3483318_large2

Nombre de messages : 3377
Age : 39
Localisation : Luchon & Toulouse (31)
Date d'inscription : 14/01/2008

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Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" Empty pare-brise avec découpe

Message  alrib28 Dim 14 Aoû 2011 - 18:25

Il y en a à vendre, des pare-brise avec découpe comme ça, sur internet pièces détachées. Je crois sur Leboncoin.

Je ne vois pas trop l'intérêt.

Question CJ5 militaire, ce qui me sidère le plus est la M38 lance bombe atomique, dont on voit la démo sur internet (US) devant le président Kennedy.

Portée de la bombe : 2 km !!


Nombre de messages : 201
Localisation : 28 SUD
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2011

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Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" Empty Re: Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire"

Message  jack74 Lun 15 Aoû 2011 - 10:06

Pour les BAC en IDF pourquoi pas. clown

Autrement chouette la couleur sable !


Nombre de messages : 388
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2008

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Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" Empty Re: Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire"

Message  alrib28 Lun 15 Aoû 2011 - 15:07

Le plus effrayant, je n'en croyais pas mes yeux. Le projectile est une bombe atomique.Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" Atom10


Nombre de messages : 201
Localisation : 28 SUD
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2011

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Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire" Empty Re: Pour amateurs...CJ5 "militaire"

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